If you are drowning in debt and are struggling or unable to make your monthly credit card or loan payments, you might be thinking about filing bankruptcy. Our Covington bankruptcy lawyers are well-versed on Kentucky bankruptcy laws and the bankruptcy filing process. Contact our legal team in Covington to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to find out how we can help you with your bankruptcy and get you on the road to financial recovery.
Many people across the country have found themselves in situations where they have more debt than they can handle. There are many reasons why this happens, including:- Suffering an injury with high treatment costs
- Taking on too many loans or lines of credit for your income
- Losing your job
- Spending more money than you make
- Medical bills
- Student loans
- Utility bills
- Attorney's fees
- Divorce costs
- Mortgages
- Car loans
- Credit card debt
- Small business debt
If you are filing bankruptcy as an individual, these are the two most common options:- Chapter 7 - This is one of the simplest, most common bankruptcy filings. It involves liquidating assets to pay off creditors – some assets may be exempt from liquidation. However, you cannot file Chapter 7 unless you pass a means test and meet specific criteria defined by the state of Kentucky. Chapter 7 is available to businesses as well as individuals.
- Chapter 13 - This type of bankruptcy is for people with extreme debt who have regular income. Chapter 13 is also known as debt reorganization, as it allows you to combine all of your debts into one monthly bill that is significantly lower than the original amount you owe.
- Chapter 9 - This is also known as municipal bankruptcy because it is used to resolved municipal debts.
- Chapter 11 - While this type of bankruptcy is sometimes used by individuals who have considerable assets, it is most often used by corporations. This type of bankruptcy filing allows corporations to continue operating while they reorganize debt.
- Chapter 12 - This is for fishermen and family farmers.
- Chapter 15 - This can be used for foreign debtors.