You pay your insurance premiums with the expectation that your insurance company will fairly compensate you whenever you file a legitimate claim. Unfortunately, some insurance companies often attempt to deny, delay or undervalue claims. If this has happened to you, contact our Columbus insurance claims lawyers for a free legal consultation. Our skilled injury attorneys have many years of experience fighting large insurance companies that refuse to pay policy holders what they are owed. All of our services are free unless we obtain the fair compensation you deserve.
Insurance claim disputes arise with a variety of insurance policies, including:- Health insurance
- Homeowners insurance
- Flood insurance
- Disability insurance
- Commercial property insurance
- Life insurance
- Auto insurance
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act claims
- Personal insurance protection policies
- Errors & omissions coverage
- The policy in question does not provide enough coverage for the claim
- There was a lapse in coverage because the policyholder did not pay his or her premiums on time
- The loss is not covered by the policy
It is important to note that not every dispute with an insurance company constitutes as “bad faith” or mishandling of your claim. However, if you are uncomfortable with the way your claim is being handled, you should contact a reputable insurance dispute lawyer immediately to ensure your rights are being protected. Under the Ohio Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act, consumers are protected from insurance companies that make the claims process difficult, complex or discriminatory. Insurance companies are obligated to handle all claims in a fair, transparent and good faith manner. If an insurance company fails in this obligation, the policy holder could have a legal claim against the company for acting in bad faith. Some examples of bad faith include:- Failing to fulfill a contractual obligation
- Denying a claim without giving reason
- Delaying payment or refusing to pay a valid claim
- Making threatening statements to a policyholder
- Failing to conduct an adequate investigation into a claim
- Misrepresenting the law or the language within the policy
Taking the right steps after an accident or disaster can go a long way toward ensuring the success of a bad faith insurance claim or lawsuit for unfair claims handling. That is why you should avoid these common mistakes:- Making statements to your insurance company before consulting a lawyer. Any written or recorded statements could doom any future legal action over a denied or undervalued claim.
- Not seeking immediate medical attention. Your insurance claim could become invalid if you do not see a doctor immediately after an accident.
- Not taking pictures. Photos can show exactly what happened and greatly improve your chances of receiving compensation from the insurance company.