A dog bite can happen when you least expect it while playing with a neighbor’s dog or simply walking along a sidewalk. No matter how it happened, being attacked by a dog is a traumatic event that can leave lasting physical and emotional scars.
Our Cincinnati dog bite lawyer at O'Connor, Acciani & Levy has seen firsthand the devastating effects of a dog bite. We can help you recover the maximum compensation you are entitled to for your pain and suffering.
We are well-versed in Ohio’s dog bite laws and are dedicated to protecting your interests and defending your rights. Contact us today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about your legal rights. Our legal team works on a contingency fee basis and does not get paid unless your case is successful.
Dog Bite Injuries

Dog bites can cause serious injuries, including nerve damage and broken bones. Wounds can also lead to infections or transmit rabies. Other common injuries resulting from animal attacks include:
- Scratches
- Lacerations
- Contusions
- Disfigurement
- Facial injuries
- Severe scarring
- Concussions
- Infections
- Psychological damage
Although anyone can suffer the damaging effects of an animal attack, children and the elderly are most susceptible to suffering severe, even life-threatening injuries. Because of their small size, children most often suffer serious injuries to the face, throat and neck area. The elderly, who are more frail than younger adults, are more likely to suffer from broken hips, wrists, arms and other broken bones.
Regardless of the victim’s age, the effects of a dog bite can be life-changing. Our Cincinnati attorneys in your area can help make sure you have the full amount of compensation you need to recover from your injuries or losses after a dog bite.
Recovering Fair Compensation

Under Ohio dog bite laws, a dog’s owner is strictly liable for any harm their pet may cause. This also includes anyone who has harbored or kept the dog because they are in a position to control the animal. Dog bite victims are entitled to seek compensation in two ways: through the state’s dog bite statute or under common law.
Under the dog bite statute, the dog owner is strictly liable for any harm resulting from their dog, so long as the victim was not:
- Taunting, tormenting, or abusing the dog
- Trespassing on the owner’s property
- Attempting to commit a crime on the property
In order to recover compensation, the victim simply has to prove that the dog harmed them.
Under common law, the burden of proof is much higher because the victim must prove that the owner acted negligently and knew the dog was vicious. Although this type of case may be more difficult to pursue in some situations, it does allow the victim to recover punitive damages in addition to compensation for their injuries. Punitive damages are meant to punish the dog owner for acting with malice and to prevent this type of situation from happening again.
Our dog bite lawyers in Cincinnati are well-versed in Ohio’s laws and can help you pursue a personal injury claim that would be most beneficial to you. We are committed to protecting your rights and helping you recover the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled.
Learn More from a Cincinnati Dog Bite Attorney

Owning a dog is a responsibility that must be taken seriously. When Ohio dog owners fail to do so, a Cincinnati dog bite lawyer at O'Connor, Acciani & Levy can help you hold them accountable for their negligence and for the harm they have caused you and your family.
We can help you seek the maximum amount of compensation that could help cover:
- Past and future medical bills
- Lost wages
- Diminished earning capacity
- Physical pain
- Emotional suffering
We are accomplished Cincinnati personal injury attorneys dedicated to fighting to defend the rights of the injured throughout Ohio. Do not hesitate to contact us if you or someone you love has been injured or died because of a dog bite. We work only on a contingency fee basis and do not get paid unless you recover a favorable verdict or settlement. Call today to learn more about seeking the compensation you deserve.