Where Do Car Accidents Occur in Florence, KY

September 28, 2024 | By O'Connor Acciani & Levy
Where Do Car Accidents Occur in Florence, KY

Florence, Kentucky, is a vibrant city in Boone County. However, like any growing urban area, Florence faces its share of traffic safety challenges.

In this guide, we'll review some accident-prone areas in Florence, KY, and discuss contributing factors to help you navigate these locations more safely. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident in Florence, KY, don't hesitate to reach out for legal help from a car accident lawyer.

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Overview of Florence, KY

Collision Between two car on highway intersection in night

Before diving into specific accident hotspots, you need to understand the layout and characteristics of Florence that contribute to its traffic patterns:

  • Population: Florence has a population of approximately 32,000 residents, making it the second-largest city in Northern Kentucky.
  • Location: Situated just south of Cincinnati, Florence is a key suburban area with significant commuter traffic.
  • Major roads: The city intersects several major highways and roads, including I-75, U.S. 42, and KY-18.
  • Growth: Florence has experienced rapid growth in recent years, leading to increased traffic and development.

1. Interstate 75 (I-75)

I-75 is an accident-prone area in Florence. This major north-south interstate highway runs through the heart of the city, carrying a high volume of local and long-distance traffic.

Key Accident Locations on I-75:

  • Exit 178 (KY-536/Mt. Zion Road): This exit experiences heavy congestion during peak hours.
  • Exit 180 (U.S. 42): This area is a major exit for Florence, and many vehicles enter and exit the highway here.
  • Exit 181 (KY-18/Burlington Pike): Another busy interchange that connects to Florence's commercial district.

Contributing Factors:

  • High traffic volume, especially during rush hours
  • Speed differentials between local and through traffic
  • Frequent lane changes and merging
  • Construction zones (when present)

2. U.S. 42 (Dixie Highway)

Car crash accident on street, damaged automobiles after collision in city

U.S. 42, also known as Dixie Highway, is a major north-south arterial road that runs through Florence. It's lined with numerous businesses, shopping centers, and residential areas, making it a hotspot for car accidents.

Key Accident Locations on U.S. 42:

  • Intersection with KY-18 (Burlington Pike): This busy intersection near Florence Mall is known for accidents due to high traffic volume and turn patterns.
  • Intersection with Mall Road: Another high-traffic area prone to rear-end collisions and turning accidents.
  • Stretch between Ewing Boulevard and Woodspoint Drive: This commercial strip sees many accidents due to numerous driveways and business entrances.

Contributing Factors:

  • High density of businesses and shopping centers
  • Frequent turns into and out of parking lots
  • Pedestrian activity
  • Traffic signal timing during peak hours

3. KY-18 (Burlington Pike)

KY-18, also known as Burlington Pike, is another major east-west route through Florence that sees accidents. This road connects residential areas to commercial districts and is a primary route for many commuters.

Key Accident Locations on KY-18:

  • Intersection with I-75: As mentioned earlier, this interchange is a site for accidents due to high traffic volume and merging issues.
  • Intersection with U.S. 42: This major crossroads near Florence Mall is prone to collisions.
  • Area near St. Elizabeth Hospital: Increased emergency vehicle activity and visitor traffic contribute to accident risk in this zone.

Contributing Factors:

  • Heavy commuter traffic during peak hours
  • Numerous traffic signals and turning movements
  • A mix of local and through traffic
  • Potential distractions from roadside businesses and signage

4. Mall Road

As its name suggests, Mall Road is home to Florence Mall and numerous other retail establishments. This concentration of commercial activity makes it a prime location for car accidents.

Key Accident Locations on Mall Road:

  • Intersection with U.S. 42: This busy intersection can result in turning-related accidents.
  • Florence Mall entrances and exits: These areas see frequent fender-benders and minor collisions, especially during peak shopping.
  • Stretch between U.S. 42 and KY-18: This section, lined with restaurants and shops, is prone to rear-end collisions and side-swipe accidents.

Contributing Factors:

  • High volume of shoppers, especially during weekends and holidays
  • Frequent turns into and out of parking lots
  • Pedestrian activity
  • Driver distraction due to looking for parking or specific stores

5. Houston Road

Head-on collision accident of cars at the intersection

Houston Road is another significant corridor in Florence that experiences car accidents. This road provides access to numerous residential areas and connects to major highways.

Key Accident Locations on Houston Road:

  • Intersection with KY-18: This busy intersection sees a mix of local and commuter traffic, which can lead to accidents.
  • I-75 interchange: The on and off-ramps here are prone to merging-related accidents.
  • Area near Florence Freedom Way: This section, home to sports facilities and entertainment venues, can be particularly hazardous during events.

Contributing Factors:

  • Mix of residential and commuter traffic
  • Increased traffic during sporting events or concerts
  • Potential for distracted driving due to GPS use in unfamiliar areas
  • Speed differentials between local and highway-bound traffic

6. Pleasant Valley Road

While not as busy as some of the major arteries, Pleasant Valley Road still sees accidents in certain trouble spots.

Key Accident Locations on Pleasant Valley Road:

  • Intersection with U.S. 42: This junction can be tricky, especially for drivers trying to turn left onto U.S. 42.
  • Curve near Oakbrook Drive: This sharp curve has been the site of several single-vehicle accidents, especially during adverse weather conditions.
  • Area near R.C. Durr YMCA: Increased pedestrian and bicycle activity contributes to accident risk.

Contributing Factors:

  • Challenging road geometry in certain sections
  • Increased non-vehicular traffic near recreational facilities
  • Potential for higher speeds in less congested areas
  • Limited visibility during early morning or late evening hours

7. Turfway Road

Turfway Road, known for its proximity to the Turfway Park horse racing track, is another area where accidents frequently occur in Florence.

Key Accident Locations on Turfway Road:

  • Intersection with Houston Road: This busy intersection sees a mix of local and event traffic.
  • I-75 interchange: Like other highway interchanges in Florence, this area is prone to merging-related accidents.
  • Stretch near Turfway Park: During racing events, this area sees increased traffic and potential for accidents.

Contributing Factors:

  • Increased traffic during racing events and other special occasions
  • Mix of local and visitor traffic, potentially unfamiliar with the area
  • Potential for impaired driving after events
  • Sudden influx of traffic when events end

Factors Contributing to Car Accidents in Florence, KY

While we've discussed specific locations prone to accidents, it's important to understand the broader factors that contribute to car accidents throughout Florence:

Rapid growth and development: 

Florence's quick expansion has led to increased traffic that may not have been designed for such volume.

The city's population has grown by over 20% in the past decade, putting strain on existing infrastructure. New residential developments and commercial areas have sprung up, generating more traffic and creating new patterns that drivers may not be accustomed to.

Commuter traffic:

As a suburb of Cincinnati, Florence sees heavy commuter traffic during peak hours, leading to congestion and increased accident risk. Many residents work in Cincinnati or other nearby cities, creating a daily influx and outflow of vehicles during rush hours.

This high volume of traffic, combined with time pressure to get to work or return home, can lead to aggressive driving behaviors and increased accident risk.

Distracted driving: 

A man is using phone while driving

Using mobile phones and other devices while driving remains a significant cause of accidents. Despite laws prohibiting texting while driving, many drivers still engage in this dangerous behavior.

Other forms of distraction, such as eating, adjusting the radio, or interacting with passengers, also contribute to accidents in Florence.

Impaired driving:

Despite strict laws, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs continues to be a problem. With Florence's proximity to Cincinnati and its own entertainment venues, there's a risk of drivers getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol or drugs.

This impairment significantly increases the likelihood of accidents, especially during nighttime hours and weekends.

Aggressive driving:

Speeding, tailgating, and other forms of aggressive driving contribute to many accidents in Florence. The stress of daily commutes, coupled with congestion on major roads, can lead to impatient and aggressive behaviors.

These actions increase the risk and severity of accidents due to higher speeds and reduced reaction times.


With many residents commuting long distances, driver fatigue can be a significant factor in accidents. Drowsy driving can impair reaction times and decision-making abilities, similar to the effects of alcohol.

This is particularly dangerous on high-speed roads like I-75, where a moment's inattention can have severe consequences.

Pedestrian and cyclist interactions:

As Florence strives to become more pedestrian and cyclist-friendly, it sees an increased mix of different road users. This is particularly evident near schools, parks, and commercial areas.

The interaction between vehicles and vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists can lead to accidents, especially if the city hasn’t placed crosswalks and bike lanes, or other motorists don't respect them.

What to Do After a Car Accident in Florence, KY

Little crashed autos on table in courtroom.

If you've been involved in a car accident in Florence, you may need clarification on what steps to take next. Here's a guide to help you through the post-accident process:

  1. Review and organize your documentation: Gather all the information you collected at the accident scene, including:
  • The police report number
  • Contact and insurance information of other involved parties
  • Photos of the accident scene and vehicle damage
  • Names and contact information of any witnesses
  1. Contact your insurance company: If you still need to do so, report the accident to your insurance provider. They will guide you through their claims process and may assign an adjuster to your case.
  2. Seek medical attention if you haven't already: Some injuries may not be immediately apparent after an accident due to shock or adrenaline. If you're experiencing any pain or discomfort, visit a doctor or emergency room for a thorough examination.
  3. Document your injuries: Request copies of all medical records related to your injuries. When you visit a doctor for the first time after the accident, mention that your injuries are from a recent car accident.
  4. Start a post-accident journal: Document how your injuries affect your daily life. Include information about pain levels, limitations in your activities, and any emotional distress you experience.
  5. Preserve evidence: Don't repair your vehicle or dispose of any damaged property until your insurance company has had a chance to inspect it. If possible, take additional photos of your vehicle's damage in daylight.
  6. Be cautious about discussing the accident: Avoid posting on social media or discussing fault with other parties involved. The insurance company could use this against you later.
  7. Talk to a car accident attorney: If you suffer significant injuries or face complications with your insurance claim, speak with a personal injury attorney who knows Florence and Kentucky’s traffic laws.
  8. Follow up on the police report: Contact the Florence Police Department to obtain a copy of the official accident report if you didn't receive one at the scene. You need this report for insurance claims and potential legal proceedings.
  9. Keep track of all accident-related expenses: Start a file to document all costs associated with the accident, including medical bills, pharmacy receipts, transportation costs, and any lost wages due to missing work.
  10. Be wary of early settlement offers: Insurance companies may try to settle quickly. Before accepting any offers, ensure you understand the full extent of your injuries and long-term implications.
  11. Consider long-term impacts: Think about potential long-term effects of the

 accident, such as ongoing medical treatment, rehabilitation needs, or impacts on your ability to work. These factors should be considered in any insurance claim or legal action.

Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer at O'Connor, Acciani & Levy Today

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident in Florence, KY, don't hesitate to seek legal assistance. The experienced team at O'Connor, Acciani & Levy is here to help ensure your rights are protected. Contact us today for your free consultation.