Types of Car Accidents

June 15, 2024 | By O'Connor Acciani & Levy
Types of Car Accidents

Understanding the types of car accidents that can occur will not prevent you from getting into one. 

However, it could provide insight into how to handle the situation after contacting a car accident lawyer.

At O'Connor, Acciani & Levy, we've seen what happens when accident victims try to navigate the immediate and long-term effects of auto collisions alone.

Many drivers make fatal claim errors that jeopardize their right to compensation, making it vital to understand what to do after getting into specific collisions.

By providing this critical information, we aim to empower drivers with the knowledge to protect their rights in pursuing damages with our award-winning law firm.

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What Car Accidents Occur Most Frequently?

Rear End Collisions

Over 30 percent of accidents in Ohio and Kentucky result in rear-end collisions typically caused by:

Though the rear driver is typically at fault in rear end collisions, if the leading driver's actions were arguably reckless, they may be responsible for damages not covered by insurance companies.

Head-On Collisions

Types of Car Accidents I Head-On Collision

One of the most dangerous types of auto accidents is a head-on collision. These accidents frequently result in severe injuries and fatalities.

They often occur when a driver crosses over into oncoming traffic or strays outside their lane due to:

Fault for head-on collisions isn't often easy to assign, as it may be due to negligent driving on both parties' part.

However, if one driver was impaired or distracted, they may hold a majority of responsibility for the accident and damages incurred.

Side-Impact Collisions

side-impact crashes I Types of Car Accidents

Frequent at intersections, center lanes designed for turning, or in parking lots, side-impact collisions typically result from:

  • failure to yield
  • running red lights or stop signs
  • not checking blind spots before turning or changing lanes

Many people in these collisions get out of their car and unintentionally assume liability by stating that "I didn't see them," making it seem like they are accepting blame when, in fact, the other driver may have violated traffic laws and regulations.

For this reason, call the police and wait in your car or safely off the road until they arrive. Their official documentation can significantly improve your chances of establishing fault when pursuing a personal injury claim.

Backing Collisions

Types of Car Accident I Backing Collisions

Backing accidents occur when a driver reverses out of their driveway, parking space, or parallel spots on busy streets.

These accidents can result from:

  • failure to check blind spots and mirrors
  • not using turn signals
  • distracted driving

Depending on the circumstances, fault for backing collisions can vary. However, drivers who don't pay attention or fail to check their surroundings before exiting a parking spot may need to pay for any injuries caused.

Multi-Vehicle Accidents

Types of Car Accident I Multi-Vehicle

Multi-vehicle accidents involve more than two cars and typically occur on highways or busy intersections.

These accidents can stem from:

  • heavy traffic
  • poor weather conditions
  • road construction

Often, one driver's negligent or reckless driving triggers a chain reaction involving multiple vehicles. In these cases, determining fault is complex and often requires the help of an experienced auto accident lawyer.

Conversely, the cause of the accident may result from negligent municipal or construction workers. In these cases, a claim may need to be filed against the government entity responsible for maintaining safe roads.

Collisions With Big Trucks

Types of Car Accident I Collisions With Big Trucks

Hundreds of thousands of large truck accidents occur every year. When a car is hit by a commercial truck, severe injuries and fatalities are common.

These accidents can result from:

Truck drivers must meet a higher standard of care and follow stricter regulations than other road users. If the truck driver or their employer fails to comply with these regulations, you can hold them liable for any damages incurred in an accident.

After this type of collision, contact a truck accident lawyer to understand your right to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Rollover Accidents

Devastatingly brutal in their outcome, rollover accidents are caused by:

  • driver error
  • speeding
  • poor road conditions
  • vehicle design defects

In these cases, determining fault may involve investigating the driver's actions and any potential defects in the vehicle or road.

Considering the lengthy recovery process victims face in rollovers, contact an experienced auto accident attorney who can navigate the complexities of these devastating accidents.

What Causes Car Accidents?

By understanding that your situation may have resulted from no fault of your own, you can better ensure statements to insurance companies and the police don't unintentionally harm your chances of recovering compensation.

Types of Car Acciden I Rear-End Collisions

The most common causes of car accidents that could force the other driver to cover economic and non-economic damages include:

  • Distracted Driving. Any physical, cognitive, or emotional distraction prohibiting a driver from safely operating their vehicle is considered distracted driving. Common examples include texting, talking on the phone, adjusting music or navigation systems, and eating while driving.
  • Impaired Driving. Alcohol and drugs impair judgment, reaction times, and motor skills. When a driver operates a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you could put them on the hook for severe damages and penalties in a personal injury claim.
  • Reckless or Aggressive Driving. This includes speeding, tailgating, weaving through traffic, running red lights or stop signs, and engaging in road rage incidents. These actions may put other drivers and passengers at risk, making the driver liable for any resulting accidents.
  • Poor Road Conditions. Potholes, uneven pavement, debris on the road, and poorly marked construction zones can all contribute to motor vehicle accidents. In these cases, you can hold the government entity responsible for maintaining the road or highway responsible.
  • Vehicle Defects. If a car malfunction or defect causes an accident, you can hold the manufacturer or responsible party liable for any damages when this occurs. You can file a product liability claim against the manufacturer in these cases.

These causes highlight the importance of staying calm and following proper protocol after a car accident. Doing so could mean the difference between successfully recovering compensation for damages and facing liability for the accident. 

Where Do Car Accidents Occur In Kentucky?

Car accidents in Kentucky can happen anywhere on its busy interstates, city streets, and rural back roads. 

However, there are certain areas where car accidents occur more frequently due to factors such as traffic volume, speed limits, and road conditions, including but not limited to:

  • I-64: This interstate runs east-west through Kentucky and is prone to accidents due to its heavy traffic and multiple lanes.
  • I-65: Another heavily traveled interstate in Kentucky that has seen an increase in truck accidents due to its connection with other major routes.
  • I-71: Running north-south through Kentucky, this highway is known for its sharp curves and construction zones contributing to accidents.
  • U.S. 127: This highway is known for its high speed limit and winding roads, which can lead to accidents if drivers are not careful.

Cities like Covington and Florence see frequent car accidents at intersections, highway ramp merges, and during rush hour traffic, particularly at:

  • I-75 and I-275 interchange in Covington
  • U.S. 42 and KY 1292 intersection in Florence
  • Madison Ave and MLK Blvd intersection in Covington
  • I-18 and Industrial Road intersection in Florence

No matter where or what type of car accident happened in these areas, you may seek compensation for your losses. 

Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in Kentucky to discuss the details of your case and determine the best course of action.

Where Do Car Accidents Happen in Ohio?

Ohio sees a high number of car accidents every year, with thousands resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. 

In major cities such as Cincinnati and Columbus, auto accidents are more likely to occur on or at:

  • The Columbus Outerbelt (I-270): This highway sees frequent accidents due to its high traffic volume and multiple lane changes.
  • I-70: This commuter and transport highway sees many truck accidents due to its connection with other major routes.
  • Route 23: This highway runs north-south through Ohio and is known for its winding roads and sharp curves that contribute to thousands of accidents annually.

Intersections, highway ramps, and construction zones in Cincinnati and Columbus also see a high number of car accidents, especially at:

  • The intersection of I-71 and I-75 in Cincinnati
  • The intersection of SR 315 and I-670 in Columbus
  • The ramp from U.S. 40 to I-70 in Columbus

The frequency of car accidents in these areas doesn't indemnify the at-fault driver

If you were a victim in one of these areas, seek legal representation from experienced car accident attorneys in Ohio.

Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?

Determining fault in a car accident isn't always as straightforward as it seems. 

Each state has its own laws and regulations that could affect how to determine fault.

Generally, the person who caused the accident is at fault. Multiple parties may share liability.

Some common factors that affect fault include:

  • Negligence: If a driver fails to act reasonably and causes an accident, you can hold them responsible for any resulting damages.
  • Traffic Laws: If a driver violated a traffic law (such as speeding or running a red light) at the time of the accident, this can contribute to a larger share of the fault.
  • Contributory or Comparative Negligence: Some states have contributory negligence laws, under which if a victim is even slightly responsible for an accident, they may be unable to recover compensation. Other states have comparative negligence laws, under which fault divides between parties based on their level of responsibility for the accident.

With states like Kentucky and Ohio being no-fault states, pursuing damages through a personal injury claim becomes even more complex. 

Not only do accident victims need to navigate their own insurance policies, but they may also have to deal with limited compensation options and potential insurance company denials.

To ensure that your claim is handled correctly and you receive the full compensation for damages, seek legal representation from an experienced personal injury attorney.

They can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf and, if necessary, take your case to court to recover fair compensation for current and future damages.

Avoid the High Cost of All Types of Car Accidents With an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer

The high costs of car accidents could see victims paying millions of dollars over a lifetime for medical bills, lost earnings potential, and emotional suffering. 

With an experienced Columbus personal injury attorney meeting filing deadlines, gathering evidence, and negotiating with insurance companies, car accident victims can focus on what is most important - their recovery.

Don't wait to seek legal help after a car accident. Get your free consultation to understand your rights when a car crash in Kentucky or Ohio harms you.