What Is Reckless Driving?

July 30, 2024 | By O'Connor Acciani & Levy
What Is Reckless Driving?

Reckless driving is dangerous and unnecessary. When drivers ignore the rules of the road and speed, weave through traffic, or exhibit road rage, they can cause horrific accidents that injure or kill others.

If a reckless driver caused an accident that hurt you or a loved one, you’re probably trying to make sense of what happened. You may be lying in a hospital bed or propped on your sofa at home, nursing your injuries. Worse yet, you could be making final arrangements for a close family member a reckless driver killed.

Whatever your situation, you need to understand the legal definition of reckless driving and what you can do to recover damages from the at-fault party. A Cincinatti car accident attorney in your area can review your case for free and advise you of your options. They can also represent you throughout the process and fight to help you get the maximum compensation possible.

careless driving blocks with gavel and car

Each state has its own legal definition of reckless driving. In Ohio, for instance, the law defines reckless driving as operating any type of vehicle with “willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property.” This means the driver knowingly engages in behavior that puts others at risk, showing a conscious indifference to the consequences of their actions.

In Ohio, a driver can face misdemeanor charges for reckless driving. Charges can range from a first- to a third-degree misdemeanor depending on previous traffic violation convictions and other factors. Reckless drivers can face felony charges of vehicular assault if they seriously hurt or kill someone.

Common Examples of Reckless Driving

Reckless driving can take many forms, all of which pose serious threats to public safety. Some common examples of reckless driving include:

Excessive Speeding

Speeding is one of the most frequent forms of reckless driving. While authorities may consider minor speed infractions simple traffic violations, excessive speeding is another matter. Going 20-30 mph or more over the posted limit can cross into reckless territory. This behavior significantly reduces reaction time and increases the severity of potential accidents. Some states even impose so-called “super speeder” penalties, which greatly increase the fine and usually require a court appearance. 

In Ohio, a driver can face a fourth-degree misdemeanor reckless driving charge for going 35 miles per hour or more over the posted speed limit in a school zone, construction zone, or business district. Penalties include fines of up to $250 and up to 30 days in jail. In extreme cases, excessive speeding can lead to felony charges.

Aggressive Driving Behaviors

Aggressive driving encompasses a range of dangerous actions, including:

  • Tailgating (following too closely)
  • Unsafe lane changes or weaving through traffic
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Road rage incidents, such as intentionally cutting off other drivers or brake-checking

These behaviors often stem from impatience or anger and show a blatant disregard for others' safety.

Distracted Driving

While often associated with negligence, severe cases of distracted driving can be considered reckless. Examples include:

  • Texting or using social media while driving
  • Watching videos or playing games on a mobile device
  • Applying makeup or grooming while behind the wheel
  • Engaging in other activities that take attention away from the road for extended periods

Driving Under the Influence

Operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs is one of the most dangerous forms of reckless driving. This includes:

  • Driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) above the legal limit
  • Driving while under the influence of illegal drugs
  • Operating a vehicle while impaired by prescription medications that affect driving ability

Each of these behaviors demonstrates a conscious choice to prioritize personal convenience or desires over the safety of others on the road.

Consequences of Reckless Driving

The repercussions of reckless driving extend far beyond the moment of impact. They can affect the lives of victims, their families, and even the reckless driver for years to come. Some potential consequences of reckless driving include:

  • Criminal penalties: As mentioned, reckless driving is a criminal offense in most jurisdictions, including Ohio. Depending on the severity of the incident and local laws, penalties can range from fines and license suspension to jail time, especially if the reckless driving resulted in injury or death.
  • Civil liabilities: In addition to criminal charges, reckless drivers can be held financially responsible for any harm they cause. This can include compensating victims for medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering.
  • Impact on insurance rates: A reckless driving conviction can lead to significantly higher insurance premiums. In some cases, insurance companies may even refuse to provide coverage to drivers with a history of reckless behavior.

Reckless Driving vs. Negligent Driving

While both reckless and negligent driving can lead to accidents, there are important distinctions between the two. You need to understand these differences when pursuing a personal injury claim.

Negligent driving typically involves a failure to exercise reasonable care while operating a vehicle. This might include actions like:

  • Failing to check blind spots before changing lanes
  • Misjudging the distance needed to stop safely
  • Becoming momentarily distracted by adjusting the radio

Reckless driving, on the other hand, involves a conscious disregard for the safety of others. It's not just a mistake - it's a deliberate choice to engage in dangerous behavior. Examples include:

  • Deliberately running red lights to save time
  • Engaging in street racing
  • Intentionally tailgating or cutting off other drivers
safety first taped on steering wheel

In a personal injury case, proving reckless driving rather than mere negligence can have significant implications. Reckless driving may lead to higher damage awards, including the possibility of punitive damages in some cases. It can also affect how insurance companies handle claims and may impact the likelihood of reaching a favorable settlement.

Proving Reckless Driving in a Personal Injury Case

Successfully proving reckless driving in a personal injury case requires a strategic approach and thorough evidence gathering. Your attorney will carefully consider all options when making a strong case for you.

  • Types of evidence used: Evidence in reckless driving cases can come from various sources. This might include police reports, eyewitness testimonies, traffic camera footage, and physical evidence from the accident scene. In some cases, cell phone records or vehicle data recorders (black boxes) may provide crucial information about the driver's behavior leading up to the crash.
  • Role of expert witnesses: Expert witnesses can play a vital role in reckless driving cases. Accident reconstruction specialists can help piece together what happened, while medical experts can testify about the extent and long-term implications of your injuries.
  • Challenges in establishing reckless driving: Proving reckless driving often requires demonstrating the driver's state of mind, showing that they knowingly engaged in dangerous behavior. This can be more challenging than simply proving negligence, which is why you need an experienced attorney on your side.

Damages in Reckless Driving Personal Injury Cases

When pursuing a personal injury claim related to reckless driving, it’s important to understand the damages available and the factors that can influence your award. This can help you set realistic expectations and ensure your attorney seeks appropriate compensation for your losses.

  • Compensatory damages: These damages compensate you for actual losses you suffered. They typically include medical expenses (both current and future), lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. In cases of severe injury, they may also cover long-term care needs and loss of earning capacity.
  • Punitive damages: In cases of extreme recklessness, courts may award punitive damages. These are intended to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior from others. While not available in all cases, punitive damages can significantly increase the overall compensation in a reckless driving case.
  • Factors affecting damage awards: Several factors can influence the amount of damages awarded. These include the severity of injuries, the impact on your quality of life, the degree of recklessness involved, and the defendant's ability to pay. Your attorney can help you understand what factors might apply in your specific case.

Steps to Take If a Reckless Driving Accident Injured You or a Loved One

After a reckless driving accident, taking the right steps can significantly improve your ability to recover physically, emotionally, and financially. Here's a guide to help you protect your health and your legal rights.

Immediate Actions at the Accident Scene

If you're able, take these steps immediately following the accident:

  • Move to a safe location if possible and check for injuries.
  • Call 911 and report the accident. Request medical assistance if needed.
  • Don't admit fault and avoid discussing who was at fault.
  • Collect contact and insurance details from all involved parties and witnesses.
  • Take photos of vehicle damage, road conditions, and any visible injuries.

Seeking Medical Attention

Even if you feel fine, you must get a medical evaluation as soon as possible:

  • Some injuries, like whiplash or internal trauma, may not be immediately apparent.
  • Adhere to your doctor's recommendations for follow-up care and therapy.
  • Maintain a file of all medical reports, bills, and receipts related to your injuries.

Documenting Evidence

Preserving evidence is vital for building a strong case:

  • Keep a journal. Document your pain levels, limitations, and how the injuries affect your daily life.
  • Save all accident-related documents, including police reports, insurance correspondence, and repair estimates.
  • Keep receipts for any out-of-pocket costs related to the accident, including transportation to medical appointments.

Contacting a Personal Injury Attorney

Seeking legal representation early can protect your rights and improve your chances of getting fair compensation:

  • Schedule a free consultation with a car accident attorney near you to discuss your case.
  • Bring all the documentation, information, and evidence you've gathered.
  • Ask the attorney about their experience with reckless driving cases and their approach to handling your claim.
  • Discuss the attorney’s fee structure. Many personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case.

By taking these steps, you can position yourself for the best possible outcome in the face of a challenging situation. Seek professional legal guidance as soon as you can to ensure you don’t miss any important legal deadlines that may bar you from recovering damages.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Now

Founding Partner Barry Levy Chosen For 2017 Best Lawyers List
Car Accident Attorney, Barry Levy

Reckless driving is more than just a traffic violation--it's a serious threat to public safety that can have life-altering consequences. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries or worse because of the actions of a reckless driver, you're likely facing medical bills, lost wages, and the stress of recovery or grief. Remember, though, you don’t have to face this alone. 

At O'Connor, Acciani & Levy, we understand the profound impact a reckless driving crash has had on your life. Our team of dedicated Cincinatti personal injury attorneys has a track record of successfully representing clients in reckless driving cases. We're committed to providing compassionate support while aggressively pursuing justice for you.

When you choose our law firm, you're not just getting legal representation – you're gaining a partner who will stand by you throughout this challenging process. We offer:

  • Personalized attention to every case
  • A deep understanding of local and state laws
  • A network of expert witnesses and resources to strengthen your claim
  • A commitment to maximizing your compensation
  • Compassionate support for you and your family

Although things may seem bleak now, know that you have rights and options. With the right legal support, you can hold the responsible party accountable and secure the compensation you need to move forward. 

Don't wait. Reach out to O'Connor, Acciani & Levy today for your free consultation. Let us help you get the financial recovery and justice you and your family deserve.